Artigos, livros de bolso e alfabetização midiática ◣ Articles, bilingual pocket books, and media literacy
The Dehumanizing Narrative Around Police Killings in Rio de Janeiro
Environmental Protection Of Brazil's Atlantic Forest At The Local Level
Viruses And Colonization: Humanity’s Hate Affair With Mosquitoes
bell hooks: the future will be forever marked by your legacy
All That Which Mini Ponds Can Teach
Brazil’s Most Effective Anti-fascist Strategy
Cuando No Seguir el Instinto
Stop Trying To Save Indigenous People
72: John of Fraud (w/ Lisa Braun Dubbels and Mirna Wabi-Sabi)
To help Indigenous people in Brazil, let’s challenge our own violence
Feminism As Veiled Islamophobia Dominates Discourse About Afghanistan
Investment In Public Transportation That Exacerbates Inequality
How Design Delivers Paradoxical Answers To Capitalism
“Savagery” In Guatemala Stems From U.s. Foreign Policy – Not Mayan Civilization
Under The Banner Of Progress: Brazil’s Largest Anti-illegal Logging Operation
Brazil, Between Life And Death
Fanon’s Death And The Ever-expanding Global American Periphery
Virtual Vandalism And The Dispute Against Leftists
Getting Rid Of Trump Doesn’t Treat The Pervasive Toxicity Of ‘American Democracy’