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Brazil, Between Life And Death


“This photo-journalistic work has as main objective to show the reality of emergency rooms, the lives of people in favelas of Rio de Janeiro, the struggle to fight this invisible enemy, coronavirus, the burials, the tragedy of this genocidal government, the suffering of the population in favelas, and the daily life that the pandemic has failed to change.” — Fabio Teixeira

Curfews have always been a part of life in Rio’s favelas. Long before the pandemic, being out in public has inevitably meant imminent danger. Disputes between criminal/political factions and the widespread use of military artillery pose a blatant threat to life and to the physical integrity of residents. The sounds of bullets, police cars, shouting, blood and bodies on the streets unscrupulously reminds the population of the punishment that comes with disobeying orders to stay home. The imminent threat to life posed by COVID-19, however, isn’t as blatant. The virus is invisible, silent, and kills behind closed doors in off-limits hospital units. In this photo-journalistic series, Fabio Teixeira visually exposes the overwhelming presence of these microscopic entities, and their crushingly material repercussions.

Written by Mirna Wabi-Sabi
Photographed by Fabio Teixeira


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